Trump is Unfit to be President

By Daniel Nardini

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - CommentaryI do not know where to begin on why incoming lame-duck President-elect Donald Trump should not be president. It is becoming clear he is suffering from dementia. He has a short-term memory and an attention span of ten minutes. In one telling moment, Trump said that the doctor who treated him for cognitive dissonance was “Dr. Ronny Johnson” from Texas. It was actually Dr. Ronny Jackson. And what else are the Republicans and Trump’s inner circle keeping from the American people that we do not know about? Trump’s bombastic rhetoric about taking over the Panama Canal and Greenland would not only alienate every single country in Latin America (especially in the Organization of American States), but also Denmark (a staunch ally of the United States) as well as Great Britain and the whole of Scandinavia. Such actions could destroy the special relationship between the United States and these countries for a generation.

And this does not even count the many goofs and gaffs Trump has made on the presidential campaign trail to become president again. Former Special Counsel Jack Smith released his report on Trump which made it clear that stated had Trump not been reelected he would have been convicted for the January 6, 2021, attempted coup for preventing the certification of former U.S. President Joe Biden’s election. But when you come down to it, Trump would not even remotely be president-elect now if not for three factors. The first is foremost the Republican Party that has been keeping Trump out of jail and in the limelight for being the candidate of their choice. In this, the Republican Party should be judged damned for all of U.S. history for their making sure Trump became president again no matter what the cost to the nation and the nation’s justice system. Then there are Trump fanatical followers. Enough said about that. Finally, there are rich people who want things from Trump for their own personal gain and NOT for the good of the nation.

Am I letting the Democratic Party off the hook for their clusterbuck? NO! If the Democratic Party was honest about former U.S. President Joe Biden’s growing dementia and cognitive dissonance then it was possible for the Democrats to have had time to pick another candidate for being president and go through the primaries where he/she could have had solid ground for that person winning against Trump. They did not do this, and in fact attacked journalists who saw something wrong with Biden’s mental health. So the Democrats shot themselves in the foot and lost the presidential election. All of this created the perfect storm where the Republicans won. The Democrats should have been honest and relieved Biden of all his duties under the 25th Amendment. I personally do not think that the Democrats have learned their lesson and will most likely come back to power because the Republicans have not learned their lesson either. For both ruling political parties, it is a matter of power and nothing else. Nothing of course changes my mind that Trump is unfit to serve as president and should be relieved under the 25th Amendment. I know of course this will never happen.

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