President Larry Dominick and the Town of Cicero have taken a strong stand defending the rights of all residents, including undocumented residents. In 2008, Cicero adopted the “Safe Space Resolution” which declares the Town never considers citizenship status when providing services, protections or in dealing with any issue. We treat documented and undocumented residents in Cicero the same. The Town of Cicero continually strives to ensure the well-being of all residents. Cicero serves as a Safe Space for all residents regardless of citizenship, immigration, or residency status. In addition to strict enforcement of the Illinois Trust act, the accurate town of Cicero policy includes:
• Cicero does not ask for citizenship, immigration, or residency status when residents seek Town services or interact with Town employees, including the Police Department.
• Cicero, including the Police Department, does not enforce Federal immigration laws.
• Cicero, including the Police Department, does not use resources or personnel to detect or detain any person whose only violation of the law is or may be a civil immigration violation.
• Cicero, including the Police Department, does not single out individuals for legal scrutiny or law enforcement based solely on citizenship, immigration or residency status.
• Cicero, including the Police Department, does not provide facilities for Federal immigration agents for the purpose of enforcing Federal immigration laws.
• Cicero, including the Police Department, does not maintain or record information about residents’ citizenship, immigration, or residency status.
• The citizenship, immigration, or residency status of a resident does not impact the availability or quality of services rendered by the Town.
• Cicero allows all parents of U.S. citizen children, including undocumented parents, to apply for benefits that their citizen children are entitled to.
• Cicero accepts foreign passports and Matricula Consular as proof of identity, except for purposes of I-9 forms and identity verification for Town employment or services paid for by the Town. The Town does not subject individuals to higher scrutiny for providing such documents as proof of identity.
Cicero is committed to carrying out all of the above policies established by its Safe Space Resolution and will do so except as otherwise required by state or federal law.