Applications for Property Tax Savings Now Available

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi announced at a press conference that property tax–saving exemptions applications for the 2024 tax year are now available online. Exemptions are savings that contribute to lowering a homeowner’s property tax bill. The most common is the Homeowner Exemption, which saves a property owner an average of $950 dollars each year. Here are some key things that homeowners should know when applying for exemptions. The Homeowner, Senior, and Persons with Disabilities Exemptions are automatically renewed. Postcards will be mailed to households confirming that no action is needed. Homeowners must reapply for the Veterans with Disabilities and the “Senior Freeze” Exemptions. Seniors and veterans that need to reapply will be mailed application booklets in the coming weeks. New homeowners, first-time applicants, or those that need to reapply can now do so online at Homeowners are strongly encouraged to apply online so there is a digital record of their application. This year, homeowners reapplying online will have access to a streamlined application form, reducing the time it takes to apply. If homeowners are unsure of their existing exemptions, they can review the “Exemptions History & Status” section of the “Property Details” page for their home. Applications can be downloaded at As a reminder, exemptions are only reflected on the second installment tax bill. Homeowners can join virtual exemptions workshops on Facebook and YouTube at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18, in English and on Wednesday, March 19, in Spanish. For a list of upcoming in-person and virtual outreach events, visit

Photo Credit: Office of Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi

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