Pritzker Proposes Cell Phone Ban Policy for Illinois Classrooms

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Last Thursday, Governor JB Pritzker joined Lt. Governor Juliana Stratton, teachers, school administrators, and municipal officials to propose a classroom cell phone ban in schools across Illinois. A key initiative mentioned in the Governor’s State of the State Address, the legislation would require all public-school districts in Illinois to adopt a wireless communication device policy that limits the use of personal devices during class instruction time. According to a Pew research study, 72 percent of high school teachers identified cell phone distraction as a “major problem” in their classroom. Similar policies have already been adopted by eight other states, and the initiative has proved to be widely popular, with 68 percent of adults in favor of in-class electronics bans. In Illinois, several school districts—in Champaign, Springfield, and Peoria—have already implemented policies limiting cell phone use. This proposed bill would require districts to implement a ban on personal phone use during instructional periods, with the following exceptions:

• In the event of an emergency or in response to an imminent threat.

• When a teacher or instructor has authorized the student to use a wireless communication device for educational purposes—e.g. Chromebook use, technology-based activities, etc. ​

• When a licensed physician determines that the possession or use of a wireless communication device is necessary for the health or well-being of the student.

• To fulfill an Individualized Education Plan or 504 plan.

• When the wireless communication device is necessary for students who are English learners to access learning materials, participate in class or otherwise facilitate communication.

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