WBEZ Chicago launches Making: Stories Without End, a limited series podcast exploring the history of soap operas

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

WBEZ Chicago is announcing the release of the latest season of the critically acclaimed podcast Making. This season, titled Stories Without End, premieres on April 8 and takes listeners on a six-episode journey through the fascinating origins and enduring legacy of soap operas. From their humble beginnings on Chicago’s radio airwaves to their evolution through television and today’s streaming platforms, Stories Without End unpacks how soap operas have shaped popular culture and told intergenerational stories that continue to resonate. In Stories Without End, listeners will hear from historians, creators, writers, actors and fans who reveal how these dramas not only reflected cultural change but often pushed the boundaries of what audiences were ready to confront. New episodes of Stories Without End will debut every Tuesday, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, NPR One, Pocket Casts and wherever listeners find their favorite podcasts. WBEZ Chicago will also air the series on 91.5 FM every Friday at 2 p.m., starting April 11. To celebrate the launch, DuSable Museum (740 E. 56th Pl., Chicago, IL) will host a special event featuring Moore in conversation about Black representation on daytime television on Sunday, April 6, from 2–3 p.m that will be open to the public.

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