Illinois high schoolers notched their highest graduation rate in a decade, as students’ academic growth outpaced pre-pandemic levels, under ISBE’s nationally acclaimed Learning Renewal Guide. The statistics are being released as part of the state’s annual Illinois Report Card. Additionally, every demographic group experienced accelerated growth in 2022 in both English language arts and math. The 2022 school year saw average student growth in the 54th percentile in English language arts and the 52nd percentile in math, compared to 2021’s 38th percentile and 2019’s 50th percentile in both English language arts and math. Student growth measures how much students progressed in one year compared to other students in their grade statewide who started at the same baseline. In contrast, proficiency rates reflect the percentage of students who met or exceeded grade level standards, regardless of where they started. Illinois has among the most rigorous proficiency standards in the nation. As expected, about 20 percent fewer students met or exceeded grade level standards on spring 2022 assessments, compared to 2019. Following the state’s Learning Renewal Resource Guide – a national model – school districts and the state started investing $7.8 billion of federal pandemic relief funds in proven initiatives such as high-impact tutoring, summer school, additional teachers, and mental health supports. For more information about the report card, visit
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