High-impact tutoring is accelerating learning recovery in 72 Illinois school districts, due to a $25 million investment of federal pandemic relief funds by the Illinois State Board of Education. ISBE has partnered with the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) and Illinois Community College Board (ICCB) to implement the Illinois Tutoring Initiative, which has trained and matched 490 tutors to provide high-impact tutoring to 1,270 students in 45 school districts statewide. An additional 27 school districts have received grant funds to design and implement their own local high-impact tutoring programs, anticipated to reach up to 2,000 students. Current and retired teachers, teacher candidates, college and university students, and community members with at least a high school degree can apply to be tutors. High-impact tutoring achieves a greater impact than standard tutoring by utilizing best practices, including strong alignment with the academic curriculum used during the school day, low tutor-to-student ratios, and sessions at least three times per week. Seven colleges and universities are recruiting, training, and supporting tutors, with Illinois State University providing overall coordination for the project. Those college and universities are:
• Governers State University
• Illinois Central College
• Illinois State University
• Northern Illinois University
• Southeastern Illinois College
• Southern Illinois University Carbondale
• Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Learn more about the state’s high-impact tutoring initiative and ISBE’s other learning renewal efforts at www.isbe.net.