Second Chances

By: Ashmar Mandou

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local NewsThe City of Chicago in partnership with Re-Entry, recently announced the launch of the City’s Re-Entry Resource Website in honor of Second Chance Month, a month that raises awareness of the challenges individuals face returning home after incarceration.

“When I took office, I pledged to take action and ensure that the City of Chicago is doing everything it can to give people returning home from incarceration a fair chance to successfully rebuild their lives,” said Mayor Lightfoot. “I’m proud of the work the Interagency Re-Entry Council has done to set goals that advance our whole-of-government approach to promoting positive life outcomes for Chicago’s returning residents and their families.”  The new website provides workforce training opportunities, civil rights information, Community Re-Entry Support Center, and much more for returning residents. The goal is remove barriers and discrimination for former incarcerated individuals seeking opportunities.
“When returning residents come home, they are faced with an overwhelming number of decisions, challenges, and systems to navigate. While there is a myriad of support services available, knowing where to go or who to call can be overwhelming. I hope that this Re-Entry Resources site can provide returning residents and their families with an easily accessible answer for where to turn,” added Director of Re-Entry in the Mayor’s Office Willette Benford. “Furthermore, I am immensely proud of the work we’ve done with the Interagency Re-Entry Council to set goals that will further our whole-of-government approach to re-entry. Garnering the power of the entire City government to improve re-entry will get us closer to ensuring that returning residents are set up for success when they come home to Chicago.” 

The Re-Entry program, is made up of Commissioners and leaders from City departments and Sister Agencies who first convened July of last year. Throughout the past six months, Director Benford collaborated with each department and agency to set goals to remove barriers to better support returning residents via departmental operations, policies and investments. Director Benford will continue to work with the Interagency Re-Entry Council for the remainder of 2023 to implement their goals. 

“I would like to thank Mayor Lightfoot for embracing the power of second chances and equal opportunities for formally incarcerated people. These policies and resources strengthen our communities by breaking the cycles of punishment and poverty that trap many formally incarcerated individuals and their families. Together, we will create a more productive and engaged society. Helping people build better futures for themselves and their families keeps society safe, and it allows us to create a community that truly values justice compassion and equality for all. We win when we invest in people!” said Celia Colón, Founder of Giving Others Dreams G.O.D Inc.

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