Chicago’s Summer Stand Down to help area homeless, housing-insecure and in-need Veterans will be held June 16 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Gen. Jones National Guard Armory in Southside Chicago. This summer’s stand down will focus on connecting Veterans to community resources and sustained care. Services offered to Veterans during the event include:
• Housing assistance
• Medical and mental health education and services
• Substance abuse treatment education
• Employment and financial assistance
• Food and SNAP assistance
• Veteran benefits and Social Security assistance
• Haircuts
• Clothing giveaways
Limited medical services will be provided, including blood pressure checks, blood glucose testing, and infectious disease screenings. Podiatry services will also be available, including foot screenings and nail trimmings. Registration is not required. Veterans should bring a Veteran ID Card, or a photo ID and a copy of their DD-214 military discharge form to receive services. Veteran status can also be verified at the event if needed. The Illinois National Guard Gen. Richard L. Jones Armory is at 5200 S. Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, IL 60615. Veterans needing housing assistance, or citizens who see a homeless Veteran, can call Hines VA Hospital at 708-202-4961. A social worker can be dispatched within one business day.
Photo Credit: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs