Congressman Chuy García, Chairwoman Lisa Hernandez, and the DNC Delegates from the 4th Congressional District Endorse Kamala Harris for President

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Business

The distinguished delegates to the Democratic National Convention from the Fourth Congressional District of Illinois released the following statement.

“We extend our deepest gratitude to President Joe Biden for his exemplary service and selflessness in leading our nation. His commitment to the welfare of all Americans and his unwavering dedication to our core democratic values have significantly contributed to the progress and unity of our country. As we look towards the future and the continued advancement of our great nation, we are proud to fully endorse Vice President Kamala Harris for the Presidency. We believe that Vice President Harris embodies the leadership, vision, and integrity needed to build upon the foundations laid by President Biden. Her proven track record of advocacy for justice and equity positions her as the ideal leader to guide us into the next chapter of American history. On behalf of the communities that make up the dynamic 4th Congressional District, we pledge our unwavering support and commitment to elect Kamala Harris to the highest office in our country. Whereas the district holds the distinction as the first and only Latino Voting Rights district in the Midwest, it serves as a vital representation of diversity and advocacy in our nation’s political landscape. We stand united in our effort to ensure her leadership is at the forefront of our nation’s path forward. Together, we move forward with hope, determination, and the collective belief in a brighter, more inclusive America.”

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