U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers have discovered counterfeit driver’s licenses inside inbound packages moving through the International Mail Facility at O’Hare International Airport. During routine examinations of packages, officers focused enforcement efforts on counterfeit documents produced outside the United States that were potentially going to be used to fake an identity of young adults that have not yet reached the age of 21. Counterfeit documents are fake documents that have the appearance of legal documentation but are not issued by a legitimate organization or government agency and are not recognized in the United States as official travel or identification instruments. Counterfeit documents, such as these driver’s licenses, can be used as a means for college students who have not yet turned the age of 21, to enter a bar or business that sells and serves alcohol. Unfortunately, these students put themselves at great risk when purchasing these fake documents. Since the beginning of August, Chicago CBP officers have seized 40 shipments containing 1,020 counterfeit United States driver’s licenses from all over the U.S. Only two companies have authorization by the U.S. Department of State to print international driver’s licenses in the United States: The American Automobile Association (AAA) or American Automobile Touring Alliance (AATA).
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