Model Logan Square Program Wins Money to Keep Parent Tutoring

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - EducationOne hundred twenty Parent Mentors will again be tutoring in Logan Square classrooms this spring, after program monies were restored, with help from Governor Patrick Quinn, Human Services Secretary Michelle Saddler, Speaker Michael Madigan, State Senators William Delgado and Iris Martinez, State Representatives Luis Arroyo, Toni Berrios, and Cynthia Soto, and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. “We want to thank all these decision-makers for supporting this unique program that helps strengthen students, teachers, parents and community,” said Leticia Barrera, Education Organizer for the Logan Square Neighborhood Association.

This nationally recognized 16-year-old program of the Logan Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA) places school parents (mostly immigrant Latina mothers) in classrooms to work with struggling students. Schools who partner with LSNA have benefitted in raised test scores, warmer school climates, and happy students and families. It has been a key to involving parents in the school and the after-school Community Learning Centers run by LSNA. It is one of those rare win-win programs that help everyone involved.

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