St. Anthony Hospital to Host Mother’s Day Banquet

In an effort to honor moms in the near Southwest Side community, Saint Anthony Hospital is hosting its first-ever Mother’s Day Banquet, which will provide brunch, educational workshops and gifts to attendees. Mothers will hear presentations featuring a dietitian discussing healthy meal preparation, a nurse providing emergency readiness tips and a stress management expert sharing how to take personal time at home. In addition, all attendees will receive a free one-month pass to Women’s Workout World, a gift certificate for a free manicure, a Saint Anthony Hospital tote ban, and a first aid kit for their family. The Mother’s Day Banquet will take place Saturday, April 30 from 10am to 1pm at Saint Anthony Hospital, 2875 W. 19th St. Due to limited space pre-registration I required. For more information or to pre-register, visit Or call, 773-484-1000.

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