On Monday, State Representative Michael Zalewski filed legislation to reverse part of the property tax code requiring property taxpayers to be charged 55 percent during the first half of each year and to revert the two property tax payment installments to a 50/50 split.
Zalewski’s House Bill 6200 reverses part of the property tax code that charges property taxpayers 55 percent of their first-half property tax installment. This policy had been enacted to compensate for habitually late property tax bills sent during the second half of the year. This year, property tax bills in Cook County were mailed out on time, thus eliminating the need to require taxpayers to pay a higher percentage of their property tax obligation in the first installment.
Because of the legislation’s immediate effective date and the rising property tax bills in Cook County, Zalewski hopes to usher passage of HB6200 through the General Assembly during the Fall Veto Session in order to lower Cook County property tax bills mailed in the spring of 2013. For more information on this legislation, please contact Zalewski’s district office at (708) 354-2121.