District 61 has scheduled Wednesday, Oct. 24, for its first annual preschool screening. Another screening will take place on February 27, 2013. Screening will take place at Mark DeLay School located at 6801 Wilmette Ave. in Darien.
District 61 has offered this program for many years. Although its purpose is to identify children who may have special needs to be addressed prior to entrance to kindergarten, parents of all 3, 4 and 5 year old children who are residents of District 61 are encouraged to bring their child for screening. If a child passed screening in 2011 or 2012, he/she does not need to return for screening.
Screening is conducted by District 61 professionals. Screening will take about an hour which includes hearing and vision, speech and language screenings and an overall look at a child’s motor and thinking skills. Parents are also asked to complete a parent form. Children need to be registered for screening. Registration will only be taking place at Mark DeLay School. Please stop by or call the school at 630-852-0200 to schedule an appointment.