According to research conducted by the Alzheimer’s Association, the number of older Hispanics with Alzheimer’s and related dementias could rise more than six-fold from fewer than 200,000 cases today to as many as 1.3 million by 2050. Studies also show that there is a higher level of responsibility among Hispanic families to care for elders and accept cognitive impairment and dementia as a normal part of aging. While the family’s commitment to caregiving is strong, without having adequate information on Alzheimer’s disease family members’ needs may not be properly addressed. Today, Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation (NPC) announced an initiative that aims to educate and inform the Hispanic community about Alzheimer’s disease, focusing on a special need among the Hispanic population.
As part of their efforts, NPC is collaborating with Univision, the leading media company serving Hispanic America, to focus on delivering educational content through Univision’s broadcast programming, including the healthcare platform “Salud es Vida” (Lead a Healthy Life), digital platforms and community outreach efforts. “Education is the best tool for empowerment in our community. As we strive to improve the health of the Hispanic population, initiatives such as this will help address the importance of conditions that may go undetected, such as Alzheimer’s,” said Jane Delgado, president and CEO of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health.