During the Teen and Family Night at Latino Fashion Week, sponsored by the MHAO, the McDonald’s Hispanic Owner Operators Association, funds were raised for the RMHC/HACER scholarship program. This was an MHOA initiative to increase the number of scholarships awarded to Hispanic youth at the local level. In the picture from left to right we see John DeCarrier, president of MHOA, Cesar Rolón from Latino Fashion Week, Tanya Lawrence and Virginia Oviedo, MHOA members, Erik Martinez RMHC/HACER scholarship recipient, Gladys Mendez, Laura Herrera, Hugo Vargas and Michael Ojeda, also MHOA members.
Erick Martinez is a recent recipient of an RMHC/HACER scholarship and he participated in the Latino Fashion Week to disseminate information about the scholarship program. He was accompanied by his sister Brenda and his Mom Gabriela during the Teen and Family Night sponsored by the MHOA, the McDonald’s Hispanic Owner Operators Association. The night was a fundraiser dedicated to increase the number of scholarships awarded to Hispanic youth at the local level. Erik manned the HACER booth and assisted in the dissemination of information about HACER scholarships to the teens and parents present.