More than 250 non-profit, public and private leaders gathered at the Union League Club of Chicago to launch Illinois Joining Forces (IJF), a new statewide public-private partnership that will improve support for service members, veterans and their families.
Illinois Joining Forces will increase the collaboration and communication among non-profits and public agencies at the local, state and federal level. Through IJF, participating organizations will work together to address gaps in services, to actively refer veterans and service members in need of assistance, and to offer better navigation of available resources and service to the public.
The new collaborative online platform, will help IJF members to share information collaborate on project and facilitate referrals. With the active participation of IJF members, will also provide a user-friendly way for service members, veterans, and their families to find programs resources and events across the state.
Pilot programs are already underway in the areas of Employment and Job Training, Behavioral Heath, Families and Children, and Education. These programs have resulted in new approaches to educating mental health practitioners, teachers and employers about military culture and ways that they can more effectively work with service members, veterans and their families. These efforts will be expanded into other critical areas of need, such as Homelessness and Housing, Disability Benefits, Financial Literacy, Legal Support, Emergency Assistance and Access to Medical Care.