Donation of Teddy Bears to Saint Anthony Hospital Makes Pediatric Patients Stay Brighter

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - HealthOn November 10, volunteers from United Airlines visited Saint Anthony Hospital and presented the bears to both inpatient and outpatient pediatric patients at the hospital.. More than fifty young patients received their own stuffed United Adventure Bear, Oliver D. World. Patients could barely contain their excitement when they saw the volunteers wheeling the bears in an airplane wagon specially designed for the occasion. Children learned of Oliver’s travels all over the world including Australia and Asia by reading his passport activities with the volunteers. The children had a chance to sit in the airplane wagon with the bears. Many children expressed excitement by stating that Oliver was their new best friend. “United has done a great service to the children on our pediatric floor at Saint Anthony Hospital. The smiles and excitement on their faces truly was a great moment,” says Dr. Romeen Lavani, chair, Pediatric Department. “Thank you to United Airlines for spending the morning with these children.”


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