Three Kings Day -one of the most popular holidays in Hispanic culture- honors the day in which the Three Wise Men gifted baby Jesus with gold, frankincense, and myrrh. In celebration of this holiday, children receive gifts on the 6th of January.
Unfortunately, many families will not celebrate Three Kings Day in its proper form as they are preoccupied with greater concerns. To date, thousands of children are awaiting lifesaving organ transplants and will be spending this holiday season in the hospital. Three hour visits, three times a week is the average amount of time many Latino children in Chicago spend receiving dialysis and other forms.
To help lift spirits during this emotional time, Gift of Hope – Organ and Tissue Donor Network has initiated “Operation Smile”- a toy drive for Lurie Children’s Hospital and UIC Hospital dialysis patients in celebration of Three Kings Day.
Gift of Hope, in partnership with the GrinLight Theater Company, will present the theatrical play “Todo o Nada, el Musical” (a comedy adaptation of “The Full Monty”) and is accepting toy donations in lieu of a traditional admission fee. Each toy donated will be gifted to one of the hundreds of children spending the holidays in the hospital. ‘Operation Smile’ will take place Wednesday, Dec. 5th at 8p.m. Attendees must be age 18 or older to see the play.