On Monday, Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation crews began final preparations for the roll out of the grid garbage collection system to 57,000 households in wards 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 20 and 25.
Throughout this week, crews will post color-coded “Change in Garbage Service Day” notifications on City-serviced household refuse carts within the boundaries of the roll out to inform residents of their new garbage collection day effective the week of February 25, 2013.
Additionally, the notices will inform residents who receive curbside blue cart recycling services that their recycling day of service will also change to the same day as their garbage pickup. Residents who receive alley blue cart recycling services will maintain their same week of service, though their day of collection may change. A map outlining day of service can be found online www.cityofchicago.org/dss.