On March 8th Cook County Commissioner Jeff Tobolski met with Summit Village President Joseph Strzelczyk to discuss the upcoming groundbreaking this spring for an affordable housing initiative in Summit.
The initiative will cost approximately $1.4 million and is partially financed with National Stabilization Program funding granted by the federal government and administered through Cook County. The Neighborhood Stabilization Program serves as a catalyst for the revitalization of residential areas that have been blighted by the recession. By creating high-quality, energy efficient housing the program aims to re-ignite local markets and support local economic development and job growth.
“I am so thankful to Commissioner Tobolski for making this dream a reality,” said President Strzelczyk. “These new town homes are going to be a beautiful addition to the community, and a great place for young families to raise their children.” Cook County is offering up to $50,000 in down payment assistance to qualified buyers.
“One of the biggest complaints that I heard while I was campaigning for this office is that Cook County doesn’t do enough for the suburbs,” said Commissioner Tobolski. “I have made it my priority to ensure that the Western Suburbs gets its fair share of tax dollars back.” To date Tobolski has brought over $8 million in grants and other funding to the sixteenth district.
In accordance with program requirements, all NSP activities must benefit low to moderate income households whose income does not exceed 120 percent of the area median income. However, NSP is not section eight voucher housing, and families must meet the qualified mortgage requirements. The townhomes are expected to be completed late this fall. Six lots have been acquired on the 7600 block of West 63rd place, and thirteen more potential lots have been identified. Once the homes are sold proceed will be used to purchase more lots and build even more homes until the NSP funds run out.