- Cut Senior Management Payrolls – $5.5 million
Require commissioners to reduce senior management payroll by 10 percent.
Commissioners will be able to realize savings either by lowering salaries or reducing number of senior staff positions.
Merge Overlapping Functions Across Departments – $3.5 million
Consolidate finance, IT, procurement and HR functions across City Departments. This process has already begun with merger of the Fleet Management and General Services Departments.
Freeze All Non-Essential Contract Spending – $17.5 million
Pool procurement requirements to buy in bulk in collaboration with the County and other government agencies; freeze non-essential contracts.
Rationalize and Reduce Vehicle Programs- $1.5 million
Reduce the number of vehicles maintained by the City and replace more of the aging fleet with fuel-efficient vehicles to realize additional energy savings.
Return 60 Laborers to Work – $0.5 million
Expand return-to-work program by bringing 60 injured employees back on the job in less physically demanding roles.
For a complete list of budget cuts, visit www.cityofchicago.org.