The Windy City will serve as the backdrop of a new weekly one hour family variety show called “Le Entramos De Noche/ We Enter at Night,” a new Spanish language late-night talk show airing Saturday nights at 10pm (CST) on Mundo Fox local network. This hour-long show will premier May 25, 2013 and is co hosted by Cesar Galvan, Betzaida Ramirez, Priscilla Torres and Patty Aguilera.
Originated by Executive Producer Cesar Galva, the show will open with brief monologues; follow by a comedy “desk piece” as well as pre-recorded segments and audience participation. Twelve episodes, in total, will be devoted to celebrity interviews, to local late night spots, to media personalities and of course comedy skits and performance.
Chicago’s Hispanic community has never seen anything like this show, says executive producer Cesar Galvan. “We wanted to produce a show that is family friendly, speaks to Latinos from all backgrounds, while showcasing the beauty of the city, neighborhoods, culture, sports, culinary nightlife and more,” said Galvan. Mundo Fox can be seen on the following media outlets: AT&T Cable Channel 13, Comcast Channel 388 and Channel 131 on Regular Television Airwaves.