La Doctora Aliza announces the ‘birth’ of Latina Health Letter

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - HealthToday,™ founder and Editor-in-chief Aliza Lifshitz, M.D., better known to the Latino community as la Doctora Aliza™, announced the launch of Latina Health Letter, a website and email newsletter dedicated to Hispanic health and wellness.

“Our mission is to engage Hispanics in their own healthcare and to enhance their relationships with their health care providers by giving them the information, tools and skills they need to communicate better with their doctors, to ensure better compliance with physician instructions and to achieve better and more cost-effective health outcomes,” said Dra. Aliza. “Latina Health Letter expands our mission beyond the Spanish-speaking consumers we already serve, to include those who prefer to receive information in English.”

The new Latina Health Letter covers all aspects of health in English from a Latina perspective, with channels dedicated to Women’s Health; Diet, Nutrition and Exercise; Women’s Sexual Health; Pregnancy; and Diabetes. Additional sections will be developed to reflect the U.S. Hispanic community’s health concerns. Latina Health Letter may be visited at may be visited at

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