The Chicago City Council Progressive Reform Caucus urged Mayor Rahm Emanuel to stop delaying the re-appointment of Inspector General Joseph Ferguson. The Progressive Caucus also said it is time for its package of ordinances to strengthen the Inspector General’s office to be passed out of the Rules Committee, where it has been languishing since April.
Ald. Bob Fioretti (2), Ald. Ricardo Munoz (22), Ald. Scott Waguespack (32), Ald. Nick Sposato (36) and Ald. John Arena (45) reaffirmed their confidence in Ferguson, who has received notice from the Emanuel administration that he will be required to reapply for his position, rather than simply being reappointed.
“Making Inspector General Ferguson re-apply for his position sends the wrong message,” said Ald. Fioretti. “By all accounts, he is doing an excellent job. Let’s not undermine the Inspector General and waste taxpayer dollars by dragging out the hiring process. We urge Mayor Emanuel to move quickly to reappoint him.”
In April, the Progressive Caucus introduced a package of six ordinances, each designed to strengthen the Inspector General’s office. They were assigned to the Rules Committee, where they remain, and have not yet been subject to a formal hearing.
“It’s our hope that the Rules Committee move to consider these ordinances at the next committee meeting,” said Ald. Waguespack. “For every day that this legislation to give the Inspector General some real muscle is delayed, taxpayers lose money. It’s as simple as that.”