City Breaks Ground on New Malcolm X College School of Health

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - EducationMayor Rahm Emanuel and City Colleges Chancellor Cheryl Hyman broke ground last week on the new Malcolm X College and School of Health Sciences. Designed with input from healthcare industry partners, the new facility will serve as the hub of the College to Careers healthcare programs to prepare students for the 84,000 healthcare jobs expected to come to the region over the next decade. Slated to be completed in late 2015, the new campus will host students beginning in January 2016. The new campus is part of City Colleges of Chicago’s five-year $524 million capital plan, which will invest across the seven-college system.

Located adjacent to the Illinois Medical District and across the street from the current college at Jackson Boulevard and Damen Avenue, the new campus will include space for health science, general education, and adult education programs. To ensure minority and female participation in the project, City Colleges has partnered with the Hispanic American Construction Industry Association (HACIA) and the Chicago Urban League to hold hiring events and recruit applicants. Learn more about College to Careers by calling 773-451-2020 or email

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