Focal Point Community Campus Wins 2013 National Healthcare Design Award

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - BusinessFocal Point’s breakthrough model for community development earned yet another accolade; the project has been recognized with the 2013 National Healthcare Design Award for Master Planning Urban Design from the American Institute of Architects (AIA). 

HDR Architecture feels that Focal Point is “both an anchor and change agent” for the surrounding Chicago neighborhoods and had this to say about the project and the reason they are excited about it:

“Acting as both an anchor and a change agent, the hospital is envisioned as an urban campus that fosters a relationship between the hospital and its community,” stated Abigail Clary, regional director, Healthcare, HDR Architecture.  “This system serves as the interface between the world of healthcare and the world beyond, and it literally the two together, a new paradigm in the industry.” 

The AIA jury who selected Focal Point for the award highlighted that the community campus goes “beyond the norm of the healthcare monolith” and “represents a trend for health and community integration especially within urban environments.”   

“We are incredibly honored to have Focal Point receive this award from the American Institute of Architects.  It is further validation of Focal Point’s cutting edge vision to reinvent community development and be the solution these great Chicago neighborhoods deserve.  We are excited to bring vital medical, educational, and retail services to them in a financially self-sustainable way and be a model for Chicago and the nation,” stated Guy A. Medgalia, president and ceo, Chicago Southwest Development Corporation.  More information is available at or call 773-484-1898. 

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