Every November, millions of people in this country come together to celebrate Thanksgiving. During this month we also celebrate National Donor Sabbath when churches and temples of different denominations inform and educate their congregations about the importance of registering to be an organ and tissue donor. Earlier this month, Gift of Hope partnered with leaders of religious communities in Chicago and surrounding suburbs to fortify their commitment to the Hispanic community and share the greatest message of hope to those devoted to their faith.
Historically, organ, cornea and tissue donation has been a topic that touches an emotional, cultural and religious chord within the Hispanic community because one of the myths that confuse people about organ donation is centered on religious beliefs. In recent years, Gift of Hope has strengthened their ties with different religious organizations in an effort to continue clarifying erroneous information about the donation process and sharing the truth with their congregation about what it entails. The resolve to help and inform is reflected in the sentiments, teachings and actions of these religious leaders.