Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the Chicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) are launching the “Neighborhood Small Business Challenge” – a funding competition for local nonprofit organizations to propose and enact plans to strengthen Chicago’s neighborhoods and local small businesses. Organizations will compete for a grant pool of $200,000 and submit plans to boost neighborhood tourism, provide technology training to businesses and makeover a business corridor. Winning organizations will receive grants between $10,000 and $25,000 each, and BACP will oversee performance to ensure that the City’s goals are met. The Challenge is part of Mayor Emanuel’s Neighborhood Small Business Growth Strategy, which was first launched a year ago. Entities can submit proposals for any and all of the three RFPs, which include:
- Neighborhood Tourism Plan (Up to four awards at $25,000 each)
- Technology Training (Up to four awards at $10,000 each)
- Business Corridor Makeover (Up to four awards at $15,000 each)
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