What should happen to the old Cook County Hospital? The Cook County Bureau of Economic Development, in partnership with the Chicago Architecture Foundation, is hosting an open ideas workshop to generate feedback and ideas about the potential future of the site.
The two-week workshop will kick off with an event on Tuesday, September 23 featuring a presentation from Cook County leadership on the redevelopment process, insights from civic organizations, public comments, and a hands-on workshop. Over the next two weeks, invited organizations and other interested parties will create development briefs suggesting possible uses and design concepts for the site.
The results will be presented at a second event at the Chicago Architecture Foundation on Tuesday, October 7. Metropolitan Planning Council, Landmarks Illinois, Chicago Central Area Committee, Lambda Alpha/Ely Chapter and others will offer design/development concepts, followed by a panel discussion. Registration for the workshop is required, visit www.cookcountyil.gov/CCHHSRedevelopment.