By: Bruce Weiss
M.D., M.P.H., senior medical director, UnitedHealthcare of Illinois
Every year, about 45 percent of Americans make New Year’s resolutions, especially commitments to exercise more, eat better and improve one’s health. However, research shows fewer than half of those pledges will be successful. But what if you could save money or even get paid for making and achieving some of those New Year’s resolutions, especially those aimed at improving your health? That’s the idea behind a range of new health benefits plans and incentive programs offered by a growing number of employers, including many companies in Illinois.
In fact, almost 80 percent of U.S. employers offer worksite wellness programs, many featuring financial incentives, according to the National Committee for Quality Assurance. Helping to drive the trend is the recognition that more needs to be done to improve wellness and prevent disease. For example, the Affordable Care Act allows employers to make available to their employees rewards of up to 30 percent of the cost of coverage for participating in a wellness program or meeting certain health measures, such as for body mass index, blood pressure or cholesterol. The New Year is a good time to evaluate whether you have the necessary level of financial protection to get you through an unforeseen medical issue. A life, disability or critical illness and accident insurance policy can provide peace of mind so you can focus on getting better. Some Americans are underinsured or lack life insurance altogether to protect their most important asset – their ability to earn an income. In addition, some people don’t realize that giving up just one family night at a restaurant could be enough to provide a full year of additional life insurance protection through their workplace coverage.