How to Stick to your New Year’s Resolutions

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

By: Ashmar Mandou

If you are like the millions of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions each year, but unable to follow through, do not fret. It is easy to get swept up in the enthusiasm of creating a new and improved you and Lawndale Bilingual Newspaper is here to help you stick to your list of resolutions!

Keep in mind New Year’s Day is just another day
While it’s a convenient and a popular, placing too much importance on it being a brand new start of the day your whole life is going to change is unrealistic. Think of the occasion more as a channel for change and a jumping-off point.

Pinpoint your most realistic resolutions

Review the different areas in your life and think about what is working as well as what isn’t. Instead of picking the same old resolutions that you can never seem to keep, like losing weight, giving up smoking or winning an award, choose an area that you know needs improvement rather than a radical change. Think long term and make sure it’s something you can realistically see happening.

Get some support
Tell a friend or your loved ones whom you trust about your resolution. They will provide you with support and keep you focused on your goal. And if you are wavering at all, their support will ensure you don’t give up, just in case you feel like a quitter. Having people you can talk to at any time of day or night can be an enormous source of instant support, especially if the people are going through the same experiences and concerns as you.

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Review your progress
Break your resolution down into stages so you can track your progress. Look back after a couple of months and see what you’re doing right. Try to fix anything that you’re doing wrong. For instance, if your resolution was to go to the gym three evenings a week, perhaps you haven’t been sticking to it because you always work late. Try going in the mornings instead. Making a minor adjustment could be the key to success.

Remember to celebrate your successes, but make sure the way you celebrate doesn’t go against your resolution. If you cut down on drinking alcohol, clearly it’s best not to reward yourself with a glass of wine. Instead, treat yourself to those shoes you’ve had your eye on, or tickets to a play you’ve been dying to see. You deserve it!

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