Cicero Students Meet with Miss Illinois

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Local News

Marisa Buchhiett, this year’s Miss Illinois, visited with students at Morton High School District 201 on Friday, Jan. 30th, 2015 to talk to the students about their futures, careers and safety. More than a thousand students attended. Ms. Señorita Cicero 2015 Dafne Villaseor gave a warm welcome and provided the introduction for Ms. Buchhiett.

Ms. Buchhiett’s message for these young students was the dangers of distractive driving.
“The number one killer among teenagers in United States was texting while driving,” Ms. Buchhiett said. She also added that there were other types distractions such as “eating, drinking, arguing, loud music, and putting on makeup. It takes less the two seconds to get into an accident that can be fatal when you are districted while you drive.”

“I am visiting many high schools throughout Illinois with this message because it is the right age when these teens start driving and I want to stress how danger it is to text and drive,” Ms. Buchhiett continued. Miss Illinois thanked Cicero Town President Larry Dominick, Morton High School District 201 President Jeff Pesek and Morton High School, The Cicero Mexican Cultural Committee, and Miss Cicero Dafne Villaseñor for sponsoring her visit and speech to the high school students.


PHOTO: (From Left) Morton East High School Principle Jose Gamboa, Morton High School District 201 Board President Jeff Pesek, Miss Illinois 2014 Marisa Buchheitt, Miss Cicero Dafne Villaseñor, School Board member Mark Kraft and Morton High School Student Board Member Niquan Dawson.

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