By: Ashmar Mandou
Members of the 65th Infantry Regiment “Borinqueneers” joined Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Alderman Roberto Maldonado, Hispanic Housing Development Corporation (HHDC) President and CEO Hipolito “Paul” Roldan, and President of Norwegian American Hospital Jose Sanchez on February 12th to kick off HHDC’s 40th anniversary by breaking ground on a new housing development for veterans living in the Northwest area of Chicago to be named the 65th Infantry Regiment “Borinqueneers” Veterans Housing.
“The 65th Infantry Regiment “Borinqueneers” is created by my friend Paul Roldan,” said Ald. Maldonado at the press gathering. “I have never met such a steadfast determination, courage, and resolve in making this project a reality. I applaud his vision and I am fortunate to be part of this process to provide this home to our veterans.”
The latest development by HHDC will be built on land donated to them by Norwegian American Hospital and will provide low-income veterans with the opportunity to live in a space with environmental green amenities and on-site access to supportive services, such as mental health services, employment training and education programming to ensure a healthy quality of life. In addition, the new construction will be a four-story, 49-unit building, adjacent to Norwegian American Hospital, which will provide on-site support and part-time clinical counselor, said Sanchez. According to the HHDC, about 38 of the 49 units available will be for veterans whose incomes range up to 60 percent of the area median income, while 10 units will be for veterans at or below 30 percent of the area median income. One unit will be set aside for the on-site manager’s apartment.
“There are veterans in the city of Chicago without shelter. There are veterans without service, but when we needed them they answered the call,” said Mayor Emanuel. “This time next year every veteran in the city of Chicago will no longer call below Wacker home.”
The new housing is named the 65th Infantry Regiment “Borinqueneers” Veterans Housing after the military unit which has fought in every war since the Spanish-American War of 1898. In July of last year, the 65th Infantry Regiment was awarded a Congressional Gold Medal, approved by Congress and President Obama.
“This is a great way to pay our respects to the members of the “Borinqueneers,” who have sacrificed their lives for this country,” said Roldan.