By: Ashmar Mandou
The American Cancer Society states that one in two Hispanic men and one in three Hispanic women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.
“Hispanics are the largest and fastest-growing minority group in the U.S. Over 100,000 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed this year, making cancer the leading cause of death among U.S. Hispanics,” said Hector Nuñez, chief operating officer for Imerman Angels. “What we want the Hispanic community to know is that we are here to help in whatever way we can.”
Imerman Angels is a global not-for-profit organization based in Chicago that individually pairs a person touched by cancer, with a cancer fighter or cancer survivor, with someone who has fought and survived the same type of cancer, referred to as a Mentor Angel. Nuñez, who is a cancer survivor himself, knows the value of having a support team to guide you through the toughest of times. Especially, the value it holds for the Hispanic community. Prior to receiving recent funding, Imerman Angels was unable to provide services for the Spanish-speaking community. Fortunately, that has changed. Due to Imerman Angels recent boost in funding, they were able to hire on Christina Benaiges as their first bilingual Cancer Support Specialist. Benaiges, whose mother and grandmother are both breast cancer survivors, has a profound emotional connection to the work Imerman Angels has provided for cancer fighters.
“People diagnosed with cancer already have so much on their plate; so we at Imerman Angels make sure to provide the upmost care and attention to our clients. We make sure to pair a cancer fighter with the right Mentor Angel so that they have that support team,” said Benaiges. “Family is such an important aspect of the cancer fight for the Hispanic community and we know our personalized connections will be a welcome extension of that family dynamic.”
Imerman Angels will host their third annual Spring Blue & White Party celebrating the success of 2014, on Thursday, March 5th at John Barleycorn River North. For more information or to purchase event tickets visit or call 877-274-5529. For sponsorship information, email Melissa Pinkney at Imerman Angels is dedicated to helping anyone and everyone with cancer. Whether you are looking for support with your fight or want to support someone still fighting, #ImermanAngels will be able to help. If you would like to learn more, visit Or call 877-274-5529.