A tax season Special Enrollment Period (SEP) will soon open, with a window of opportunity extending through April 30, 2015 for uninsured Illinois residents who became aware of the penalty for not having health coverage while filing their 2014 taxes. Get Covered Illinois (GCI) wants eligible Illinoisans to take advantage of this opportunity to enroll in coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace and avoid an increased penalty in 2015.
Available for a limited-time, the tax season SEP is the last chance for Illinois consumers who do not have coverage to avoid paying an increased penalty when they file their 2015 taxes. To qualify for this tax season SEP, consumers need to attest that when they paid their 2014 taxes, they were subject to the penalty for going uninsured in 2014.
Consumers who did not enroll in health coverage in 2014 were charged a fee of $95 or 1 percent of their annual income – whichever was greater – when filing their taxes. This penalty will increase year-after-year, totaling $325 or 2 percent of their annual income in 2015. This tax season SEP is designed as a last chance for those who were unaware of or did not understand the implications of the penalty for not enrolling in a health plan during Open Enrollment. To learn more, visit GetCoveredIllinois.gov.