By: Ashmar Mandou
The winter season may officially be over in Chicago, but as we all have come to learn early on that does not mean we will not experience chilly temperatures in upcoming months. So with that in mind, TV Personality and Holistic Practitioner Nataly Valenzuela joined forces with the National Honey Board to concoct a plethora of healthy recipes to soothe any cold-like symptom with one common ingredient, honey.
“I am working with the National Honey Board and I have to say Chicago is a very cold place,” laughed Valenzuela who was in town last week to promote her latest recipes on behalf of the National Honey Board. “With the change in season the National Honey Board decided to do a national campaign to ease the cold symptoms, like the cough. You know, people have jobs to go to and things to do…the last thing they need is to get sick. So I teamed up with the National Honey Board to offer up some delicious candy-like remedies without all the chemicals and preservatives. What better way to do that than by using honey as the key ingredient.”
From using ingredients you most likely already have in your kitchen pantry, like coconut oil, mint, ginger, lemon, cayenne powder, and perhaps hibiscus, Valenzuela made sure each ingredient used had several medicinal properties. “We all know the benefits of using honey, but what most people do not realize is that coconut oil also holds hundreds of properties from whitening your teeth, to soothing a scrape. The ingredients I mixed with the honey are all natural products that work as your cough suppressant. It is better than getting your medicine at the drug store.” Valenzuela kindly shared her honey-based recipes with Lawndale Bilingual Newspaper. To view the recipes and how to create them, visit For more information on the National Honey Board, visit