For the 13th year in a row, hundreds of law enforcement officers from throughout the state will stake out Dunkin’ Donuts rooftops to benefit Special Olympics Illinois on Friday, May 29, beginning at 5 a.m. Police officers are scheduled to cover 194 Dunkin’ Donuts rooftops to raise awareness and donations for the Law Enforcement Torch Run to benefit Special Olympics Illinois. Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Chicago Bulls Broadcaster Chuck Swirsky, Special Olympics athletes, Cooking Personality “Momma Cuisine” Johanna Cook, and representatives from Chicago’s sports teams are among the special guests who will also rise to the occasion to show their support.
Dunkin’ Donuts also has created a special glazed red and white donut ring depicting Special Olympics Illinois colors. The donut, called “The Champion,” will be available at Dunkin’ Donuts locations in Chicago and suburbs May 26 – 29. This year for the first time, police officers will be tweeting from the rooftops using the hashtag #CoponaRooftop. To meet their goal, police officers will have to top last year’s total of $430,000. For a list of all participating locations, go to or