Five Tips to Help Prevent Childhood Obesity

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

In light of September being National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, it is important to take into account that one in three American kids and teens is obese or overweight, according to the American Heart Association. The statistic is even greater when it comes to Hispanic children. A report by Trust for America’s Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The State of Obesity, states that more than 39 percent of Hispanic children are obese or overweight, compared to 29 percent of white non-Hispanic children. Below, we offer some advice that can help your children stay active and lead a healthy lifestyle:

Use your online resources. Websites like Pinterest and YouTube are more than just social networking sites. These websites can be used to browse for workout advice and videos that can be discussed with your physician and put into practice. Other websites, like, can be accessed from your computer or smartphone and provide health-related information via videos, photo stories, podcasts, healthy recipes and workout tips, including advice on what athletic shoes to purchase.

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Visit your community center. Many communities have centers, like the YMCA and the Boys & Girls Club, that offer sports programs and extracurricular activities at low costs, which are a good resource for keeping families active during the school year. Additionally, community centers provide a great opportunity for children to socialize and make new friends in their community.

Know the science behind a balanced diet. It is important that we keep record of our daily caloric intake and that we teach our kids the necessary balance between the amount of calories we consume and the ones we burn. Parents should take advantage of smartphone applications available that keep track of weight loss, caloric intake and the number of steps you take per day.

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Play with your pets. Something as simple as playtime with your pet out in the yard, or going for a walk, can contribute to staying active during the day. These are fun activities for kids to enjoy while spending quality time with their pets.

Eat breakfast like a king; dine like a pauper. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It is essential that our children consume a nutrient-rich breakfast that will give them enough energy to stay active throughout the day. Given that our bodies expend more energy during the day as opposed to the evening, it is unnecessary to consume large amounts of calories for dinner. For more advice on staying healthy, please visit

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