In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Organization of Latinos at Exelon (OLE) awarded 15 outstanding Latino students $30,000 in scholarships at their annual signature event on October 14 at the National Museum of Mexican Art. Illinois Lt. Gov. Evelyn Sanguinetti – the highest ranking Latina in Illinois government – was in attendance to give the keynote speech, as well as other key figures of the Chicago Latino community. We wish you could have been in attendance. Below are photo highlights from this inspirational Hispanic Heritage Month event.
PHOTO CAPTION 1: Anne Pramaggiore, ComEd CEO and President (far left), and Javier Guelespe, OLE Chapter President (far right), pose with the scholarship recipients and their award certificates.
PHOTO CAPTION 2: (L to R): Marlow Colvin, Mike McMahan, State Sen. Martin Sandoval, Anne Pramaggiore, Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti, Joe Trpik, State Rep. Edward Acevedo, Michelle Blaise, Fidel Marquez, ICC Chairman Brien Sheahan, Bill Von Hoene, Kevin Brookins, Erica Borggren, Tom O’Neill at OLE annual signature event and scholarship ceremony held on October 14 at the National Museum of Mexican Art.
PHOTO CAPTION 3: Evelyn Sanguinetti, 47th Lieutenant Governor, gave the keynote speech at the OLE annual signature event and scholarship ceremony held on October 14 at the National Museum of Mexican Art.