Registration Open for Teen Conservation Leadership Conference

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Life after high school may have many teens wondering what lies ahead, from deciding how to pay for college to what career to pursue. To help Chicagoland teens prepare for life after high school, the Chicago Zoological Society, which manages Brookfield Zoo, is hosting the Teen Conservation Leadership Conference 2016 from August 3-5 at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. The conference, which the Society hopes will attract 400 to 500 attendees, will expose teens to careers in conservation and science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). During the first two days, students can attend informational workshops, clinics, and panel discussions about topics such as animal welfare, zoo design, the palm oil crisis, and climate change. “This is a unique opportunity for teens who have participated in STEM and conservation-related programming at various Chicagoland institutions to showcase their work and, for those interested; to find out how they can prepare for their future,” said Luis Mendez, manager of high school and college programs for the Society. For more information, including individual and group registration, visit or email

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