Alderman George Cardenas attended the CTU and Brighton Park Neighborhood Council press conference on Wednesday August 24th, 2016. He joined them to publicly denounce cuts to 12th ward schools and schools across the city. He is the lead on the CTU sponsored and created TIF Surplus Ordinance to drive more funding to schools instead of build more tourist attractions. He condemned the CPS budget which did not provide enough funding for schools from lack of classroom supplies to cuts in teachers. Alderman Cardenas vowed to continue to push the approval of the TIF ordinance.
In addition, Ald. Cardenas held his 13th Annual Back to School Health Fair on August 27th, 2016 at McKinley Park. Alderman Cardenas distributed over 800 backpacks full of school supplies, free physical exams, free inoculations and hundreds of free health tests. The Alderman will continue to distribute supplies for the next week at several schools in the 12th ward. Alderman Cardenas stated,”The Fair is to help alleviate parents of the stress of purchasing supplies and health exams while being pressured by the school cuts. Right now, we must provide parents and students with the necessary needs that have been cut from the CPS budgets. We must stand together from providing supplies to passing the TIF Surplus Ordinance”. The fair is co-sponsored by Alderman Raymond Lopez, State Representative elect Theresa Mah, Representative Luis Gutierrez and Alderman Solis.