My Wife’s Firsthand Account with a Trump Supporter

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Commentary

by Daniel Nardini

While at work one day, my wife was wrapping an item that a lady had bought at the store my wife works at. My wife also works in part as an accountant, but helps customers when the store is short-handed on staff (which is especially true on the weekends). My wife noticed that the lady was wearing a button that said “Vote for Trump” on it. The lady, who was white, gave my wife a nasty stare and took the item my wife had carefully wrapped with a hostile gesture. This lady then told my wife’s colleague, who was also white, to “vote for Trump.” Nothing more was said after she left. My wife related this story to me, and she felt very saddened by it. This is completely understandable given the fact that the only reason this lady acted so hostile was because my wife is Korean and also because it seems that a lot of Trump supporters are racist (I also noticed that there are NO racial or ethnic minorities at rallies for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump).

It never occurred to this lady who supported Donald Trump that my wife is a U.S. citizen. It never occurred to this lady that my wife has lived in the United States legally for 11 years. It has never occurred to this lady that my wife has a college education from Korea University in Seoul, and a college education from Sauk Valley Community College in Dixon, Illinois, in accounting. It never occurs to this lady that my wife, who is a U.S. citizen, can vote. And because of this white lady’s hostility towards my wife, one can be sure that my wife will not vote for Donald Trump. Racism in my mind equals stupidity, and that stupidity will work against those who espouse it. It means those who do not like Donald Trump will most certainly vote against him. Right now Donald Trump is on his way to losing the presidential election. He may appeal to people who are white non-Hispanic, but it takes more than that to win a presidential election. Is there a guarantee that he will lose? There are no guarantees in this election. But Trump and his supporters, who treat racial and ethnic minorities like crap, are only assuring that Trump will lose.

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