Blood Supplies Reach Dangerously Low Levels Coast-to-Coast

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Health

Blood supplies across the country remain at dangerously low levels after a severe decline in blood donations leading up to and following the July 4th holiday. In an effort to rebuild supplies and be prepared for unexpected events, LifeSource is calling on the community to come forward and give blood this week and throughout the remainder of the summer. Over the past few weeks, LifeSource has seen less than a three day supply in critical blood types such as O-negative and O-positive. Donations from O-negative donors, the universal blood type, are especially important this time of year due to increased accidents and trauma cases. Additionally, platelet donations, which have a shelf-life of only five days, are in high demand after a slow holiday week. However, donors of all types are needed. LifeSource urges both first-time donors and existing donors of all blood types to visit or call (877) 543-3768 to schedule an appointment to donate. Through Sunday, July 16th, all LifeSource community donor centers will be open extended hours to accommodate more donors. Visit to find your nearest donor center or a mobile blood drive happening near you. Walk-ins are welcome at any of our locations.

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