After working for months with African-American community leaders, civil rights advocates, law enforcement, academic researchers and the Chicago Teachers Union, Chicago Public Schools and the Chicago Police Department unveiled a curriculum to teach all 8th and 10th graders about Jon Burge, former Chicago police commander who, along with officers working under his command, has been accused by more than 100 African-Americans of torturing and physically abusing them while they were in police custody in the 1970s, 1980s, and early 1990s. Burge was later convicted of lying under oath about his role in the torture and abuse. “Confronting the sins of the past is critical to building a better future together. It’s vital for students to closely examine past wrongs so that as future leaders they can make their community better,” said CEO Forrest Claypool.
CPS social science specialists worked for months with community leaders, civil rights advocates, law enforcement, academic researchers and the Chicago Teachers Union to create a curriculum that teaches students about the past and empowers them to be agents for hope in our own time. Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson provided a video message for students that can be played when educators begin the curriculum. Six CPS schools piloted the curriculum last year to ensure it would be both engaging and appropriate for students. As part of the pilot, torture survivors visited several classrooms to tell their stories and hear students’ questions. “Our classrooms will be safe and respectful places for students to learn about this painful period in Chicago’s past with honest inquiry, as well as provide avenues for students’ thoughtful and productive responses,” said Chief Education Officer Janice K. Jackson. “We encourage families to continue these conversations at home, especially as our country is wrenched by the ugliness in Charlottesville. We all need to help children understand the past, the present and how they can shape the future in line with our values of tolerance, diversity and respect for each other.”