Record Number of Chicago Public Schools Graduates Enroll in College

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

Lawndale News Chicago's Bilingual Newspaper - Education

The University of Chicago’s To and Through Project Convening, the UChicago Consortium of School Research released two new reports –one on college enrollment and one on degree attainment –showing a record number of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) graduates enrolled in college in 2015, the most recent year for which data is available. The number of CPS graduates who enrolled in either a two or four-year College immediately after high school. Yet, the new reports also show college graduation rates have remained fairly flat over the last seven years, and college degree attainment gaps by race, gender, and disability status persist. The percent of CPS ninth-graders projected to earn a bachelor’s degree within six years of high school graduation remained steady at 18 percent in 2016, flat compared to 2015. “Increasing college enrollment, taken together with recent increases in CPS students’ Freshman OnTrack rates, ACT scores, and high school GPAs, suggests the number of CPS graduates attaining a bachelor’s degree will rise over time. This latest research also suggests that many CPS graduates will take indirect or less traditional paths through college,” said UChicago Consortium Deputy Director Jenny Nagaoka. To read the full report, visit

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