By: Ashmar Mandou
Undocumented immigrants, their friends, families, and progressive allies took action in Chicago, Washington, D.C., and in cities across the nation, to urge Congress to pass the DREAM Act now, before they leave for the holiday recess. Earlier this month, 14 Senators including eight Democrats voted NO on the last budget vote earlier this month. Senators Durbin, Duckworth, Feinstein, Kaine, Schumer and others were targeted by Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), Make The Road NY, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights Los Angeles (CHIRLA), CASA, United We DREAM, New York Immigration Coalition, FIRM and others.
In Chicago, ICIRR members and allies rallied in Federal Plaza with hundreds of people to demand that they withhold their vote for any spending bill that does not include the DREAM Act. Senator Durbin committed to vote no on a budget bill that does not include the DREAM Act on Wednesday. Advocates are asking that he push his colleagues to do the same. “Immigrant families need protection today and delaying the DREAM Act is irresponsible and cruel. Across the nation our communities are telling Congress they must act now for the sake of the futures of 11 million people who deserve to live in peace and dignity,” Lawrence Benito, CEO of ICIRR said. ICIRR Member Organizations who attended the rally include South Suburban Immigrant Project, PASO-West Suburban Action Project, ENLACE Chicago, Access Living, Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, ERIE House, Communities United, Alliance for Filipinos for Immigrant Rights and Empowerment (AFIRE). SEIU Local 1, Mujeres Latinas en Accion, Centro de Trabajadores Unidos, Jewish Council on Urban Affairs, and Southwest Organizing Project.
Illinois immigrant leaders who led a direct action in Senator Duckworth and Durbin’s offices were South Suburban Immigrant Project, PASO-West Suburban Action Project, and Protection For All. Protection For All is a immigrant-youth led organization independent of the FIRM network. In D.C., HANA Center, a member organization of ICIRR staged an action inside Senator Durbin’s office as well. “Members of Congress have to decide if they will side with white supremacists, or if they will vote to protect the more than 800,000 undocumented immigrant youth who are every bit American,” said Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM) spokesperson Kica Matos. “Passing the DREAM Act is about upholding our nation’s values of freedom, opportunity, justice and equality—it’s about walking the walk. Congress needs to do its job.” Angelica Salas, CHIRLA executive director said, “A vote delayed is justice delayed. Congress has the moral and political responsibility to make sure these 800,000 young immigrants do not spend their holidays worried sick about their future and families. The mathematics of the DREAM Act are tremendously positive for our nation’s economy. The humanity of passing the DREAM Act will protect families, lift our values about politics, and secure this Congress a place in history.”