If you are having a difficult time conceiving, you will want to give your body the best chance by ensuring that you are eating well. What vitamins and minerals aren’t on your radar but probably should be? Even more importantly, will you get everything you need from your standard prenatal supplement? Here are a few vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that have been shown to aid in fertility.
A study from Pennsylvania State University concluded that zinc deficiency can have a negative effect on egg development. The study conducted showed that zinc is a “key regulator” of oocyte (egg cell) development. It plays a role in oocyte division, fertilization, DNA regulation, and embryo development. The recommended daily allowance for zinc is eight milligrams per day for adult women and 12 milligrams per day during pregnancy and lactation.
Choline is a vitamin that 90 percent of Americans aren’t getting enough of. In fact, only five to ten percent of pregnant women are meeting intake guidelines. While choline is in a lot of foods, such as egg yolks, lima beans, and liver -it’s in small amounts. A diet rich in meats, whole eggs, and green vegetables can help people receive adequate choline. The recommended daily intake for choline is 550 milligrams per day.
Probiotics and prebiotics are essential in both food and supplement form to promote a healthy gut. Currently there is no recommended amount, but physicians recommend slowing increasing your intake.