Our country and our state was built by the hard work and dedication of immigrants and refugees. We would not have so many of the things we take for granted today if it weren’t for the immigrants that make our state strong.
Our country has thrived because of our centuries old legacy of welcoming immigrant families with open arms, but Illinois is failing to uphold that core value.
Donald Trump’s racist rhetoric and policies have fostered hostility towards parents and children coming to this country seeking refuge and a better life. Families fleeing war, poverty, and injustice are being ripped apart at our border, their children forced into cages. Our president fights to stop immigrants from what he calls “shithole countries.” Religious minorities are turned away at our airports. And what does our governor do? He not only sits on the sidelines, he engages in the same racist language, and pursues the same bigoted agenda, as Donald Trump.
Just the other day, Rauner blamed undocumented immigrants for crime and unemployment in Chicago, echoing the worst racist tropes we hear from our president. Since then he’s done nothing but double down on that hatred. This is shameful from a man who should be doing everything in his power to make Illinois a firewall against attacks on immigrants. When hatred is spewed from our country’s highest office, we need leaders who will call this language out for what it is, not adopt it as their own.
But not only has Bruce Rauner parroted our president’s language, he has worked to bring Donald Trump’s agenda to Illinois. Even before Trump was elected, Rauner was paving the way for him by banning Syrian refugees from the state. And just recently, Rauner vetoed three commonsense bills that would protect immigrant communities in our state. These bills would’ve helped protect immigrants who are victims of crimes, prohibit immigrants from harassment or intimidation by landlords, and ensure parents and children can feel safe when they go to school, court, or need to receive critical healthcare.
These bills are commonsense and essential to making sure our state is a welcoming one. As Donald Trump launches racist, bigoted attacks on our families, it’s hard to overstate the importance of making that clear.
Only one candidate in the governor’s race understands what’s at stake for our families: JB Pritzker. I’m supporting JB because I know he will stand for all Illinois’ families, including those who come from a different country, or practice a different religion. He knows we can’t afford to be passive in this fight. The American experiment doesn’t work unless we come together to guarantee opportunity for all. The world is watching, and Illinois must send a clear message that we will not be silent in the face of injustice. We have an obligation to fight this administration’s horrific policies, and in Illinois we must seize the opportunity to do just that.